To work with ellipse:
Shape of ellipse is detemined by two lengths i.e length along major axis, length along minor axis.
To draw true ellipse by specifying 3 points:
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: Click for the first end point on the axis of ellipse.
Specify other endpoint of axis: Click for the second end point on the axis of ellipse.
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Click for the point on other axis. this distance will be have of your axis length.
To draw an elliptical arc:
Command: EL
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: a //This will prompt AutoCAD to draw an elliptical arc.
Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center]: Click for the first end point on the axis of ellipse.
Specify other endpoint of axis: Click for the second end point on the axis of ellipse.
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:Click for the point on other axis. this distance will be have of your axis length.
Specify start angle or [Parameter]: Enter a numeric value of start angle or click at the point along which you have to start the arc.
Specify end angle or [Parameter/Included angle]:Enter a numeric value of start angle or click at the point along which you have to end the arc.
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