PolyLine Command:
Command: PL
Prompts common to Line and Arc segments:
Close: Connects first and last segments to create a closed poly line.
Half width: Specifies width from the center of wide segment to an edge.
Width: Specifies width of next segment.
Points to remember while working with width and half width:
- The starting width becomes the ending default width.
- The ending width becomes constant for remaining segments untill you change the width again.
- The starting and ending points of wide line segments are the center line of segment.
- Typically, the intersections of adjacent wide polyline segments are beveled.
- No bevelling is performed for non tangent arc segments, very acute angles, or when a dot dash line types are used.
Undo: Removes most recently created segment.
Prompts only for line segment:
Arc: Begins creating arc segments tangent to previous segment.
Length: Create a line segment of a specified length at same angles as that of previous segment. If the previous segment is an arc, the new line segment will be tangent to arc segment.
Prompts only for Arc segment:
Endpoint of Arc: Completes an arc segment. The arc segment is always tangent to previous segment of polyline.
Note: For the Center option of the PLINE command, enter ce; for
the Center object snap, enter cen or center.
Direction: Specifies the tangent for the arc segment.
Line: Switches from drawing arc segments to drawing straight segments.
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