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Showing posts from June, 2000

Spline Command

Spline Command: Command: SPL SPLINE Specify first point: This will specify the first point or start point of your spline. Specify next point: This will specify the next point of your spline. and will keep creating lines untill you press enter. Undo: Removes the last created segment. Close: Closes the first segment of spline with the last segment. This creates a smooth curve along the loop. Method: Controls whether the spline is created with fit points or control vertices. Fit: This creates a degree 3 (Cubic) B-spline by specifying fit points that the spline must pass through. When the tolerance value is greater than 0, the spline must be within specifed tolerance distance from each point. Control Vertices (CV) Creates a spline by specifying control vertices. Use this method to create splines of degree 1 (linear), degree 2 (quadratic), degree 3 (cubic), and so on up to degree 10. Adjusting the shape of a spline by moving control vertices often provides better results than moving fi...

To create a Donut.

Steps Involved to create a donut:      Donuts are filled rings or solid-filled circles that are actually closed polylines with width. Click   Home tab Draw panel Donut .     Find Specify the inside diameter (1). Specify the outside diameter (2). Specify the center of the donut (3). Specify the center point for another donut, or press Enter to complete the command. 1shows Inside diameter,  2 shows outside diameter, 3 shows center OR Command: DO DONUT Specify inside diameter of donut <5.0000>: Specify inside diameter. Specify outside diameter of donut <25.0000>: Specify Outside diameter. Specify center of donut or <exit>: Click to specify center point of donut. Related Concepts: About circles. About arcs. About donuts. About ellipse. About splines. About helixes. Related Task: To work with arcs. To work with circle. To work with Ellipse. To Work with Splines. To work with Helixes. Related Reference: Commands for curved geometric objects...

To work with circles.

To create circles we have various combinations depending upon our work. 1.Steps for center radius method. This is the default method for drawing a circle. Do one of the following: Click   Home tab     Draw panel     Circle drop-down     Center, Radius .     Find Click   Home tab Draw panel   Circle drop-down   Center, Diameter .     Find Specify the center point. Specify the radius or diameter. OR Command: C (Enter) CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: click at center point on your drawing. Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: Value of radius (enter) 2.Steps for center Diamter method. Command: C  (Enter) CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: Click at center point on your drawing. Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] : d (Enter)   //this option will select diameter as the input value. Specify diameter of circle: value of diamenter (Ente...

To work with Ellipse

To work with ellipse:     Shape of ellipse is detemined by two lengths i.e length along major axis, length along minor axis. To draw true ellipse by specifying 3 points: Command: EL ELLIPSE Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: Click for the first end point on the axis of ellipse. Specify other endpoint of axis: Click for the second end point on the axis of ellipse. Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Click for the point on other axis. this distance will be have of your axis length. To draw an elliptical arc: Command: EL ELLIPSE Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: a //This will prompt AutoCAD to draw an elliptical arc. Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center]: Click for the first end point on the axis of ellipse. Specify other endpoint of axis: Click for the second end point on the axis of ellipse. Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:Click for the point on other axis. this distance will be have of your axis length. Specif...

About ellipse

When you draw an ellipse it is determined by two axes that defines its length and width. longer length defines Major axis and smaller axis define Minor axis. below figure shows two ellipse dipicting major and minor axis. X axis Major, Y axis minor Y axis Major, X axis Minor If you are using isometric views for 3D stimulation you can use ellipse to make isocircles. Related Concepts: About arcs About circles. About Donuts. About splines. About helixes. Related Task: To work with arcs. To work with circle. To create donuts. To work with Ellipse. To Work with Splines. To work with Helixes. Related Reference: Commands for curved geometric objects.

About splines

About splines:     A spline is a smooth curve that passes through or near set of control points tha influence the shape of curve. By default, a spline is a series of blended curve segments of degree 3 (also called cubic) polynomials. These curves are technically called   nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS) , but are referred to as splines for simplicity. Cubic splines are the most common, and mimic the splines that are created manually using flexible strips that are shaped by weights at data points. Understand Control Vertices and Fit Points You can create or edit splines using either   control vertices , or   fit points . The spline on the left displays control vertices along a control polygon , and the spline on the right displays fit points. Control vertices Use the triangular grip on a selected spline to switch between displaying control vertices and displaying fit points. You can use the round and square grips to modify a selected spline. Fit points Note:...

To work with splines

To work with splines. A spline is a smooth curve that passes through or near a set of points that influence the shape of the curve. Draw a spline: Click   Home tab Draw panel Spline . (Optional) Enter   m   (Method). Then enter either   f   (Fit Points) or   cv   (Control Vertices). Specify the first point of the spline. Specify the next point of the spline. Continue specifying points as needed. Press Enter to end, or enter   c   (Close) to close the spline. OR Command: SPL SPLINE Specify first point or [Method/Knots/Object]: Click. Enter next point or [start Tangency/toLerance]: Click Enter next point or [end Tangency/toLerance/Undo]: Click Enter next point or [end Tangency/toLerance/Undo/Close]: Click Enter next point or [end Tangency/toLerance/Undo/Close]: //This will continue till the spline is closed or you press esc or enter. Draw a spline tangent to and connecting two lines and curves: Click Modify tab     Blend Curves. (Opti...

About Helix

About Helix:     A helix is an open 2D or 3D spiral. You can use a helix as a path along which to sweep an object to create an image. For example, you might sweep a circle along a helix path to create a solid model of a spring. When you create a helix, you can specify the following: Base radius Top radius Height Number of turns Turn height Twist direction If you specify the same value for both the base radius and the top radius, then a cylindrical helix is created. By default, the top radius is set to the same value as the base radius. You cannot specify 0 for both the base radius and top radius. If you specify different values for the top radius and the base radius, then a conical helix is created. If you specify a height value of 0, then a flat, 2D spiral is created. Note: A helix is a spline approximation of a real helix. Length values may not be completely accurate. However, when you use a helix as a sweep path, the resulting values will be accurate regardless of the appro...

To Draw Helix

To draw helix:      A helix is an open 2D or 3D spiral. Click   Home tab Draw panel Helix .     Find Specify the center point for the base of the helix. Specify the base radius. Specify the top radius or press Enter to specify the same value as the base radius. Specify the height of the helix. OR Command: HELIX Specify center point of base: Click to specify center point Specify base radius or [Diameter] :  Specify base radius Specify top radius or [Diameter] : Specify top radius Specify helix height or [Axis endpoint/Turns/turn Height/tWist] : Specify height. Related Concepts: About arcs About circles. About Donuts. About Ellipse. About splines. About helixes. Related Task: To work with arcs. To work with circle. To create donuts. To work with Ellipse. To Work with Splines. Related Reference: Commands for curved geometric objects.

Circle Command.

Command: C (Enter) CIRCLE Specify center point for circle: Specifies the center point of circle. you may click at the center point of the circle on drawing or you can enter known co-ordinates. 3P: Draws a circle by specifying 3 point which are on the circumference of circle. 2P: Draw a circle by specifying two diamterically opposite points of circle. distance between both the points becomes diamter of the circle. Tan Tan Radius: Draws a circle by tan to two objects by clicking the reference objects to which circle is tangent and then specifying radius for the circle. Specify radius/ Diameter of circle : You can specify numeric value for radius or diamter of circle or click any know point on the drawing. by default autocad picks radius value. To enter diameter press 'D' when it ask to specify radius of circle. Related Concepts: About circles. About arcs About Donuts. About Ellipse. About splines. About helixes. Related Task: To work with arcs. To work with circle. To create ...

Donut Command.

Command: DO DONUT Inside diameter : This will specify the internal diameter of donut. Outside diameter: This will specify the external diameter of donut. Center : This will place the donut at its center point where you will click. The donut continues to create itself on each click untill esc or enter is pressed. Related Concepts: About circles. About arcs About Donuts. About Ellipse. About splines. About helixes. Related Task: To work with arcs. To work with circle. To create donuts. To work with Ellipse. To Work with Splines. To work with Helixes. Related Reference: Commands for curved geometric objects.

Ellipse command

Command: EL ELLIPSE Prompts Under EL command are explained below: Specify axis endpoint of ellipse : It will specify the first end point on the axis of ellipse. Specify other endpoint of axis : It will specify the second end point on the axis of ellipse. distance between first end point and second end point becomes the length of that axis. Specify distance to other axis : It will specify end point on other axis. This will specify end point from the center of ellipse. So, the length of axis will be twice the distance between center point of ellipse and end point specified. Arc: This will start to form an elliptical arc. Promts under Arc are as follows Specify start angle: You can enter numeric value from where elliptical arc starts or click the known point from where arc starts. This will consider the start point or first point which you specified as endpoint as 0 degree and will increment along anticlokwise direction. Prompt Under Start angle: Parameter:  It will ask for a num...

Arc Command.

Command: A (Enter) ARC Prompts Under Arc command. Specify start point of arc: specifies start point of your arc Specify second point of arc: Specfies seond point of your arc Specify end point of arc: Specifies third point i.e End point of your arc. Center : specifies the center point of your arc, after the first point has been specified. End: This will allow you to specify the end point of your arc after specifying the first point. Prompts Under Center option of arc: Angle: Specify your included angle of arc in anticlockwise direction. Arcs are traced in anticlockwise direction, to make an arc in clockwise direction press ctrl. even when you are making arc in clockwise direction, specify included angles in anticlockwise direction only.  Chord length: Specify the chord length of your arc. chord length of arc will decide the included angle of the arc Prompts Under End option of arc: Angle:  Specify your included angle of arc in anticlockwise direction. Arcs are traced in a...

Helix Command

Command: HELIX The following prompts are displayed. Center point of base Sets the center of the helix base point. Base radius Specifies the radius of the base of the helix. Initially, the default base radius is set to 1. During a drawing session, the default value for the base radius is always the previously entered base radius value for any solid primitive or helix. Diameter (base) Specifies the diameter of the base of the helix. Initially, the default base diameter is set to 2. During a drawing session, the default value for the base diameter is always the previously entered base diameter value. Top radius Specifies the radius of the top of the helix. the default value is always the value for the base radius. The base radius and the top radius cannot both be set to 0 (zero). Diameter (top) Uses a diameter value to set the size of the helix top. The default value for the top diameter is always the value of the base diameter. Helix height Sets the height of the helix. Axis endpoint Spe...